Here's a list discerning facts and rumors about the Westboro Baptist Church. It has been established in accordance to the philosophy "know thy enemy." In other words, it exists to promote the truth about the church and what they actually stand for, not what people have speculated on and think they are about. The purpose all of this serves is to better combat the church in a more meaningful and productive manner. The spreading of rumors and myths only serves to satiate the appetites of people whose only interest is to mock and defame. Our goal here is to give a rare and substantial glimpse into the true nature of the church itself, so that their actions may be taken more seriously.
Popular Myth: "The Westboro Baptist Church consists of a family of inbreds."
Truth: There is absolutely scant to no evidence that the Phelps have ever actually committed incest. This misperception probably stems from the fact that the majority of the church's congregation are all very closely related by blood (however, there are also a select handful of those who belong in the Phelps' family who are adopted and are of different ethnic and racial backgrounds). Shirley Phelps, for example, is married to Brian Roper and has taken on his name by marriage. With that aside, however, it is true that contrary to what the Phelps often preach, some members of the family (like Shirley) have been guilty of premarital sex (4:18 - 5:12):
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Popular Myth: "The Phelps are uneducated and ignorant redneck hicks like the Ku Klux Clan and other related hate groups."
Truth: In reality, the Phelps family are highly educated people and the majority are practicing attorneys who run their own Kansas-based law firm. Unfortunately, there are many noted instances of where the WBC has successfully waged lawsuits against state and the federal government and have won their cases. It is highly advised and recommended to anyone reading this that they proceed with caution when trying to take action against the Phelps. All counter-action should be executed in a legal fashion, and done so in an appropriate context (in the cases of the Phelps protesting funerals and so on). If you have been personally harassed by the Phelps and are considering retaliation, please speak with a licensed attorney as to your options. Do not take any chances or wild risks.
Popular Myth: "The Westboro Baptist Church promotes racist ideologies and endorses Nazism."
Truth: It is a matter of fact that many of the sentiments spewed by the WBC are anti-Semitic in tone, and that the Anti-Defamation League has listed them as an official hate group, you'd be hard pressed to actually find that the WBC promotes racism in and of itself. You would also be hard pressed to find evidence of them endorsing any Neo-Nazi philosophies. The rationale for the Phelps' commentary on Jewish peoples is strictly "Bible-based." Any reference to atrocities against the Jews is done so in light of the Jews going against "God's commandments." The Phelps do not ascribe to any such perspective that Semitic people are racially inferior like the Nazis did or like many Neo-Nazi groups advocate for today. It is also an historical fact that the Phelps have worked as civil rights attorneys on behalf of African Americans and black peoples within the state of Kansas.
Popular Myth: "The Phelps advocate violence and genocide against other people, whether they are of a different race, sexual orientation, or political viewpoint."
Truth: As surprising as it may seem, the vitriol of the Phelps is simply that -- vitriol. It is often the case, as they would themselves tell you, that violence is committed on behalf of those who oppose the church, hardly ever if at all by the church members themselves.
However, with that said, there are charges on record of Fred Phelps (from the distant past) having been found guilty on counts of assault and battery towards neighbors. While this continues to be an inconvenient and touchy subject for the Phelps, their record for ongoing violence is seemingly non-existent as it stands currently.
Actually, Nate Phelps (an estranged son of Fred) noted that Fred would physically abuse both his wife and children (with the latter being on the harsher and uglier end of it).
ReplyDelete"He used it so frequently that the ends of it frayed, so you had this kind of cat o'nine tails whipping around, and it would open the flesh on the other side of the hip," said Nate Phelps. "So it was doing that kind of damage."
Otherwise, your statements are accurate. I've had several email discussions with Shirley. Contrary to what some insist, they're not in this as a scam, either. They wholeheartedly embrace their religious ideology in every facet of their life.